Sean Doran has been promoted to Alabama FC Assistant Director of Coaching. With the continued rapid growth of our Alabama FC Competitive, SCCL, ECNL-RL and ECNL programs Sean is the perfect person to continue club ascension in all of our competitive platforms. In this new role Sean will have greater input to help manage and develop coaches and players, while also working on strategic initiatives for the entire membership.
Executive Director Andrew Brower was quoted, “We are excited to promote Sean to the role of Assistant Director of Coaching for Alabama FC. Sean has been a wonderful, dedicated employee for many years. He has been a key ingredient in developing many successful players during his time with Alabama FC. He possesses a keen understanding of the game and is able to translate that knowledge onto players. He has been fiercely loyal to the club, and we are excited to see him now have the opportunity to impact the entire organization. Congratulations Sean.”