U13/U19 ECNL
An ECNL player will attend all regular practices, showcases and events. You will pay full ECNL fees and play on the ECNL team unless performance, attitude or attendance becomes an issue. You will train 2 to 3 times per week. Purchase of Alabama FC (ECNL) kit is required. ECNL is a national league with 82 clubs, and you will play in regional conferences with national events. Full-time players do not play in the state leagues unless dual-rostered.
For more information, contact Director of Coaching Ben Parks at [email protected].
U13-U19 ECRL
An ECNRL player will attend all regular practices, showcases, and events. You will pay full ECNL fees and play on the ECNL team unless performance, attitude or attendance becomes an issue. You will train 2 to 3 times per week. Purchase of an Alabama FC (ECNL) kit is required. ECRL is a regional league, and you will play in regional conferences with national events. Full-time players do not play in the state leagues unless dual-rostered.
For more information, contact Director of Coaching Ben Parks at [email protected].
A Southeastern Clubs Champions League (SCCL) player will have an opportunity to compete in SCCL, Alabama State League and State Cup, and older age groups will attend appropriate college showcase events. You will pay SCCL team fees and club fees in addition to a BUSA kit.
For more information, contact Director of Coaching Ben Parks at [email protected]
U12-U19 Premier, Select and Nike Teams
A Premier, Select or Nike player will train twice a week. The teams will pay team fees and club fees accordingly. These teams will play in Alabama State League, Alabama State Cup and a few select tournaments. The older age groups will attend appropriate college showcase events. Purchase of BUSA uniform kit is required.
07 boys and girls have training pool options at our North location (Rathmell) and our South location (Sports Blast).
We also offer D1 and D2 options at our South location this upcoming season.
For more information, contact Director of Coaching Ben Parks at [email protected]
U8-U11 Academy Teams
An Academy player participates in pool-based training programs. Each pool is run by a lead pool coach and a team of assistants twice a week. This developmental-appropriate program allows for ease of player movement. These teams will play in a local academy league with a few select tournaments. We offer both North (Rathmell) and South (Sports Blast) training options for all of these players.
Academy Director, Josh Hurst will oversee this program.