Month: December 2019

BUSA Dick’s Sporting Good’s Day

BUSA Dick’s Sporting Good’s Day.

Dick’s Sporting Goods is a proud partner of Birmingham United Soccer Association we would like to invite you to join your fellow Birmingham United Soccer Association participants and parents at the Alabaster, Tuscaloosa, Montgomery, Huntsville, Birmingham & Hoover Dick’s Sporting Goods on  December 6th– 8th   and December 13th  – December 15th  for a special Birmingham United Soccer Association shop day. You can take advantage of great discounts on items that you are going to need for the upcoming season. In fact, we are offering all Birmingham United Soccer Association participants the chance to receive a 20% discount off of your purchase (some exclusions apply) this upcoming Holiday season!


Download the Following Coupon:

Multi Sport Youth Shop Day Flyer 2019_AYSWAW